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Congratulations! Your Naming Sprint is booked!

Here's what to do next:

Before our first session, here is some logistical and organizational info so you and your team can be fully prepared and ready to Sprint!

The rest of this page will give an overview of our time together before, during, and after the Sprint, the times, and some of the things we'll be doing together.

I've also sent you this info by email so, of course, if you have any questions about any of this, please don't hesitate to reply to me.

This page has 2 parts:

Part 1: Logistical and Preparation info

Part 2: Intro to the Naming Sprint

PART 1: Logistical and organizational info:

When to sign in for your Sprint:

We will start the group work at right on your selected Sprint calendar booking time. For our first session, we typically work together for approximately two (2) hours.

For the following two sessions, we'll be working together for approximately four (4) hours each.

While we’re strict with the timer during the Sprint, our focus is on getting the best results for your name so, occasionally, we’ll go over time in order to follow a promising path of information.

Please ensure your team doesn’t have anything urgent scheduled for immediately before or after the Sprint.

I’ll be signing in to our secure Zoom meeting room 15 minutes in advance to make sure I'm available for any questions you might have.

Feel free to jump in earlier if you want to get settled in before the team arrives.


There has been plenty of research on how the brain reacts to prolonged brainstorming, learning, and thinking exercises.

Invariably, the presiding wisdom is that we need to break things up approximately every 90-minutes. Much longer than that and we slow down in our ability to take in new ideas.

We’ve structured our Sprint to follow these rules. Each session runs for approximately 4 hours and includes a five-minute break.

Phones, Emails, Messages, and Notifications:

We take our work with you and your team very seriously, so you won't see us taking calls, checking our emails, or reading messages during the sessions – and due to the intensive nature of the Naming Sprint, we would like to ask you to do the same.

With that said, we understand that the world continues turning while you are with us and that you might have urgent business to take care of. We would like to ask you to keep the use of your phones to the regular breaks so we can make the best use of our time together.

Obviously, if something’s on fire, you are free to take important calls. In those cases, please mute your microphone and leave the immediate sight of your camera to keep the distraction of the rest of the team to a minimum.

What we need from you:

Other than our Pre-Sprint questions and call(s), we need you to prepare yourself and ensure your team has the tools we require for running the Sprint.

Here’s the list, including download links or signup links. There is no cost associated with any of these assets (unless you decide you wish to keep using the software after the Sprint, AND that usage requires more features than what we use during the Sprint). 

Please ensure everyone has downloaded the Zoom client software:

>> Download Zoom here

Additionally, please make sure the entire team has signed up for a FREE Trello account:

>> Sign up for Trello here

The actual Sprint group exercises take place in an application called MURAL. We handle the licensing for that, and we’ll share a link to the day’s MURAL at the beginning of each session. 

You don’t need to download anything for MURAL, you and your team can sign up for guest access on day one and sign in to the daily canvas MURAL each day.

To save your valuable time, here’s a quick email text that you can send to everyone on your team to get them set up (you can just copy the whole text here or grab it from the email I just sent you:

Hi Team,

As you know, we’ll be taking part in a Naming Sprint shortly.

We’re bringing in a Naming Sprint facilitator to help us to find a fresh way into the hearts and minds of your customers and engage people on as many levels as possible using our most natural first opportunity to deliver a message. Our Name. 

In order to prepare, please download and install the Zoom video conference software on your work computer today:

Zoom: https://zoom.us/download

Additionally, please make sure you sign up for a FREE Trello account:

Trelllo: https://trello.com/signup

Let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,


PART 2: What is a Naming Sprint... a short intro to what will happen

What is a Naming Sprint?

Humans form connections with words based in our experience, knowledge, and context, which explains why you probably get two completely different feelings when you read the words ‘Kitten’ and ‘Cockroach’. 

Just like those nouns convey inherent meaning, a name is like a first handshake that conveys a lot about the brand, product, or service and makes a powerful impact.

The right name gives an identity to your brand, product, or service, and helps you differentiate it from other players in the market.

A Naming Sprint is a super-fast name development process designed to meet the unique naming needs of businesses in today’s faster-moving world by capitalizing on the creative abilities and insights of a diverse team of brand-focused individuals. 

Whether it’s the CEO, CMO, CTO, designers, engineers, marketers; everyone is creative. Everyone in the room has ‘valuable’ input. 

And, getting input from all stakeholders of the business puts everyone on the same page from now moving forward.

Naming Sprints deliver a series of high-quality name candidates to allow a brand to choose the right name for their brand, product, or service without compromising on legalities, copycats, or compromises.

No more endless rounds of ‘creative’ that take months and cost your business hundreds of thousands of dollars. We simplify decision-making — and wrangle proven linguistic elements into unique and powerful name options — fast.

Naming Sprints are ‘concentrated creativity’ sessions. 

With your ‘Sprint team’ locked in a creative environment, they focus on the questions that matter to get to the desired outcome. This, in turn, drives immediate value as a sprint produces viable name candidates in a much shorter amount of time — with subsequently, far less cost to your business.

The Naming Sprint Schedule.

Session 1: You are required to be in our secure meeting room on Zoom for approximately 2 hours.

We’ll be developing:

Uncover your audience's commentary.

Extract their desires.

Understand their emotions.

Session 2: You are required to be in our secure meeting room on Zoom for approximately 4 hours.

We’re going to:

Identify the competitive environment and opportunities.

Uncover the fundamental reasons our audience pay attention.

Develop hundreds of inputs for name development exercises.

Sort the promising from the generic.

Create the launchpad for structured name brainstorming.

Session 3: You are required to be in our secure meeting room on Zoom for approximately 4 hours.

We’ll be achieving the following:

Execute the linguistic naming techniques.

Plot the name style matrix.

Filter the options for "feel."

Define the right fit candidates for testing.

Post-Sprint: Report Delivery

As soon as we complete our work together, we’ll be producing your Naming Report and you will be ready to move on to the legal and copyright portion of your naming journey.

We’ll schedule a call with you to go over the Naming Report and highlight the options along with our recommendations.

If you have any questions or if anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to email or call me directly. We are excited to be working with you.

Have a great rest of the week! 

Learn More About Our Process

Brand Name Strategist | Brand Name Consultant | Business Namer | Product Namer | Company Namer | Brand Naming Strategy